Even Superheroes Need a Team

Ever get the feeling that doing things yourself is just easier?  Faster?  Less complicated?  We get that you’re basically a superhero who can juggle many things without missing a beat.  However, when it comes to navigating evaluation, especially during this complex moment in history, going it alone can be a tricky endeavor.  And definitely less fun. 

Enter: Your Evaluation Team. 

Hold on, pause please – an eval what? An Evaluation Team is a group of people intentionally brought together to strengthen your evaluation work.  Ideally, these members have different roles within your community and different interests in your evaluation initiative.  There are many things this team can do, from finalizing your approach, messaging, participation, and community support. For Evaluation Teams to function as effective workgroups, we recommend teams of 5-10 members that represent the diversity in your community.  Together, they can take your evaluation to the next level.

Ready to start building your team?  Download our Evaluation Dream Team Worksheet today!

Jana SharpComment